Webster's dictionary defines number this way:
- a word or symbol (such as “five” or “16”) that represents a specific amount or quantity
- a number or a set of numbers and other symbols that is used to identify a person or thing
- a person who is identified by a number and not treated in a personal or friendly way.
- (1) : a sum of units : total (2) : complement 1b (3) : an indefinite usually large total <a number of members were absent> <the number of elderly is rising> (4) plural : a numerous group : many (5): a numerical preponderance
- (1) : the characteristic of an individual by which it is treated as a unit or of a collection by which it is treated in terms of units (2) : an ascertainable total <bugs beyond number>
- (1) : a unit belonging to an abstract mathematical system and subject to specified laws of succession, addition, and multiplication; especially : natural number (2) : an element (as π) of any of many mathematical systems obtained by extension of or analogy with the natural number system(3) plural : arithmetic
What do these things have in common?
If you guessed the word three, congratulations you have excellent pattern recognition! But what is three? We are talking about a wide variety of completely different objects. Where does this concept that seems to apply to all of these groups come from? Turns out it is all about relationships. The pattern that is recognized as "three" is an example of a type of relationship between groups of things we call a cardinality. A cardinality is the idea that two groups are related if we can pair up the members without any leftover. Let's take the last two groups, the Three Stooges and the Three Amigos.
I can line up the members so a member of one group is associated with the member of another group.
Obviously, we can produce this effect more than one way, but it is enough that one association like this exists. If say I tried to associate the Three Amigos with the letters A ,B ,C , and D or with the colors white and black. This type of association would not be possible. With the letters, all the Amigos could be matched with a letter but there would be one letter left over. If I tried to match them up with the colors one of the amigos would be left out. This process works with any two groups of things. If a map from one group can go to another group where each piece goes to something and there are no repeats, then the two groups have the same number of elements. Oddly enough, this is also how mathematicians define the most basic numbers as we normally think of them.
The system I have described so far has a couple flaws. We can show two sets have the same number but we can't tell yet with just this what the different numbers are. It turns out this is more complicated than it looks. Most of the ways we have to find all the numbers would probably work, because hindsight is wonderful. Most people have worked with numbers for years, so we intrinsically know what they are and we can just name them off, (0, 1, 2, 3, ...). But as anyone who has ever tried to write for a dictionary could tell you, you can't really do that to define something. So to find all the cardinalities, we need two things a way to name them and a way to show the naming method covers all the possibilities. First question is relatively easy. We can name all the numbers in a fairly consistent way. Turns out showing that a method covers all the numbers is harder than it looks. There was a paper called Principia Mathematica by Russell and Whitehead that took 360 pages to solve the complex theorem 1+1=2. As odd as this sounds, problems and contradictions like this are not uncommon in mathematics. We are going to talk more about this when we discuss infinity.
For now, we can say with certainty the concept of cardinality is an effective definition of number and
that what I am going to talk about next is an effective way of naming them all, even though I can't prove it in this post. Which is where we get into ordinal numbers. Ordinal numbers are a categorization process for numbers as we understand them. In most spoken languages, ordinal numbers represent a literal order( first, second, third,...). Math they are defined as an actual order. an association from a number to the set of numbers that says what is less than that number. Zero has an empty set. One has 0 because the set including just zero. Two has 0 and 1. three has 0,1, and 2 and so on. This order is also exploited in math to define numbers. Quite a few sets can have a particular numerical characteristic, as we have noticed earlier, so mathematicians use ordinal numbers to create example elements of these numerical categories. We can treat these examples as the numbers themselves. Zero is the empty set because that set has no elements. One now is the set with zero in it. Two becomes the set with zero and one. Any group of things with the same number as these sets is now a part of that category and can be easily identified abstractly.
Why would this matter? We usually learn how to count by the time we are 3 or 4. And we even learn to use these ideas without having to define them so specifically. If I ask my niece in kindergarten to determine the cardinality of the pieces of candy she received on Halloween, she would look at me funny and if she were feeling particularly precocious she would ask what "cardily" and "deterine" mean. Or they can do what my niece did and look at you with the deer in the headlights look their choice. But even if she didn't understand the jargon I've seen her use the tools behind it. When presented with a set of things she needs the quantity of she assigns an arbitrary order to that set. Then, she matches that order to a predetermined one say: one, two, three, four,... . And the final member of this set suddenly becomes the quantity. For something so basic, this can seem like overkill. but as the concepts become more advanced. This specificity becomes very useful.
There are several overall themes in mathematics that are helpful to remember here. One, everything is about patterns and relationships and numbers are no different. Two, there are different kinds of numbers that can be very related but used for different reasons. Three, sometimes simple things can be more complicated than they appear at first glance.
number: a well defined abstract relationship or pattern normally associated with quantity, order and direction
Cardinality-The relationship between sets that defines what we normally call numbers.
Ordinality- an order imposed on a set
set- a group of objects or ideas that is clearly defined.